To This Day

The power to save and to heal is not a thing but a person. The apostles, and the early church disciples, did not believe that

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early sunset


This morning I listened to a bishop from up country who was giving a Thought for the Day on the radio. In it he was

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mountains and hiker an example of the kingdom adventure

A Life Union

It is when we practise this living union (fellowship) with Christ that we are justified through faith. Then, when we begin to get there we

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sunlight through tree

The Christian Creation Story

¯Here’s the common three-way debate on Creation; Darwinism is best; Biblical history is best; ignoring the whole question is best. The Kingdom worldview, however, is

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hand holding for comfort

Sacred Cows

Some people’s religion hold that cows are sacred. Others of us want to see our God in a very similar way that we might see

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woman kneeling and praying

Workers for the Harvest

All Christians, without exception, have been adopted into the family of God in order to continue with the family business. What is that business? It

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