Making Sweeter Sounds in God’s Ear

Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Praying for something because I would like it or need it or because I determine a need in someone else does not, usually, demonstrate any direct person to person contact with the Almighty. If I was standing next to you and the only way you could talk to me would be via a phone call then I guess I’d be quite put out by your unwillingness to get with me! In fact, you would be behaving a little strangely!

So what does it mean – to earnestly seek him? It means to discover what it is that he requires us to pray for. He can, after all, only do what he wants to do so our top prayer job is to sit and listen and wait for divine inspiration. Then pray.

Then we are praying for what he has already decided he wants to do and that way our prayers are rewarded because they are his as well!

Here’s a big step forward — instead of praying TO Jesus or THROUGH Jesus we should take up his lead expressed in the Lord’s prayer and pray WITH him.

You see, the Father is so pleased with Jesus that he gives him anything he asks for. This means that getting into harmony with the thoughts of Jesus is a no-brainer!

Mike Endicott

woman praying