sunlight through tress

The Spirit Moves

2024, January – June This prayer is being fulfilled today. Biblical teaching on the Kingdom of God is being built into a Teach a Teacher

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Authority and Power

Jesus has the authority, we have the power, he is here with us – always. What’s the difference between authority and power? We do need

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Radical Christianity

His friend Lazarus has died. His family are remonstrating with Jesus. If only he had been here, they chide, this tragedy might not have happened.

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Growing up

I have looked and failed. Nowhere in the New Testament can I find us being told to “build the Kingdom.” It fully exists already. It’s

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white brown butterfly

Being Chosen

Being chosen by God more often than not results in a strange sense of wearing a crown of joy and a cross of sadness, usually

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snow capped mountains

Called to Testify

When a man was chosen to take the place of Judas, and to be associated with the eleven as a witness of the Resurrection, he

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