The Kingdom Adventure
What is the Kingdom Adventure?
We invite you to join with us in The Kingdom Adventure, which is based on the sharing of, and growing in, our knowledge of the Kingdom of God through discussion groups. The Kingdom is the source of all healing.
This is not a course, but rather a shared spiritual journey amongst equals. We share in the hope of learning with and from each other; as we work together and thus grow the Kingdom first shown to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Adventure Study
The Kingdom Adventure is not a course, but rather a shared spiritual journey amongst equals, and is designed specifically for group study. Discover more by watching the video.
OJW offers free resources, including films, commentaries and bible study, that can be downloaded from the website by registered groups; such that you can put together a pattern of study that will be appropriate for your church or spiritual group.
An important part of this mission project is the opportunity for all involved to share their group’s own special understandings and insights with us all on-line, as your Kingdom Study grows.
Your group could be an established prayer or bible study group looking for the resources and inspiration for the next stage of your journey together with Jesus. You could also be a church or group of friends who want to form a new study group.
Revd Mike Endicott (OJW Founder and Prior)
- To grow warmer through fellowship
- To grow deeper through discipleship
- To grow stronger through deepening relationships with God
- To grow broader through ministry to each other and to the world
- To grow fuller in God as friends in Spirit and partners in service
- To grow larger through sharing the Good News of the nearness of the kingdom and the message of the cross.
The vision for our part in God’s plan for divine restoration, is one of being a community, and a network without rules, but joined together in the certain knowledge that it is our Father God’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom which he delights to open to all who will come as little children with open hearts and minds. May you be blessed and refreshed in this study as we grow together in the good news of the present King and His Kingdom. May we rediscover the joy of fulfilling our part in the Kingdom and in His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
Available resources are arranged in 5 series. Each series has 6 ‘topics’ which form the basis for Group Leaders to put together a pattern of study appropriate for their groups. The series and topics follow a pattern and we recommend are best used in order. Series 1 available in October 2022.
The Kingdom grows when it grows in us through our understanding, as we continue to change on the spiritual journey, our life pilgrimage, with Jesus. Then others will also see and know because of the visible reality of Jesus and His Kingdom set in us.
Register your interest by filling in the website contact form and we will reply and have a chat by email about what is involved. Then once registered, we will send you a Group Leaders Information Document and a list of links to the resources.
The purpose of our Kingdom Adventure Project is to provide resources that can be a framework for Discussion Groups to reflect on and share together, and grow spiritually in their understanding of, the nature and pattern of the Kingdom of God. It is the view of OJW that the Kingdom grows as it is understood and thus becomes a reality in the life of believing Christians. These resources include Film, Commentary, Prayer initiatives and Bible Study and can all be downloaded for free from our website on application by Group Leaders.
There will be 5 series, each with 6 or 7 main ‘Topics’ for Kingdom Study Groups:
SERIES 1. Understanding the Kingdom.
SERIES 2. Jesus the man and Jesus the God.
SERIES 3. Proclaiming the Good News.
SERIES 4. The message of the Cross.
SERIES 5. The place of trust.
Series 1 ‘Understanding the Kingdom’ is available in October 2022
To begin your Kingdom Adventure:
Register your groups interest in a Kingdom Adventure, please complete the form and a member of the OJW team will be in touch and answer any questions.
Register your groups interest in a Kingdom Adventure, please complete the form and a member of the OJW team will be in touch and answer any questions.
Stay tuned Follow us on facebook. This is all about the kingdom adventure. The Kingdom Adventure is not a course, but rather a shared spiritual journey amongst equals