Is not death the great healer?

Will we be better off where we are going?
Death is often described as a ‘blessed release’, especially when the deceased has been very ill for a long time, with little or no quality of life.
Sometimes, out of love and concern for the sufferer, we even pray for this release, but we had better pray at the same time for God’s mercy to be upon their souls while they are still living.
Of course, the result of Christian death is that we shall receive what is, in a sense, the fullest healing of all: a new, resurrection body; so the general assertion that death is healing must depend on what is going to happen to us afterwards.
We will have to face our God and account for our lives.
For some of us there is a certainty, for Jesus said:

“I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. I am the bread of life.”
John 6:47–48

The bland assertion that death is a sort of healing does, however, serve to give us a comfortable sense of absolution from any responsibilities in the matter.
From a kingdom viewpoint, sickness and injury are like a thief who comes only to steal and kill and destroy; Jesus has come so that we may have life, and have it to the full.
We have two options here:
We can take the risk of praying that a friend or relative should pass out of this life, a risk if we are not quite certain of their likely destination.
On the other hand, we know that the Kingdom’s King has come to offer us salvation, including healing from injury and sickness and that we can step into that healing kingdom during this life on earth.

